
Education for centuries has been dull and rigid, but why wouldn’t it be?

Learning is not playing; there’s not much fun in it. Unless learning is merged with playing, that’s when learning becomes more exciting and creates more interest.

However, for STEM subjects, there are more versatile and innovative solutions than ever.

We are visual learners

For any educators specialized in early education, it is a common knowledge that children are more of visual learners.

While learning new subjects is not necessarily something children hate (just find how quick they would master a video game), the dullness of education indeed needs to be addressed.

If we examine the case when a kid learns concepts in geography, would it be more intriguing for them to learn the abstract concepts such as the climate zones by reciting the definitions, or would it be much easier for them to understand the difference between each climate zone by “immersing” them into each respective environment?

The answer is clearly the latter.

In our experience with working with a number of clients to build custom immersive programs for different subjects. Our clients have found that learning numerous subjects visually in immersive and interactive experiences significantly sparks their students’ interests, and subsequently, learning results and effectiveness.

So what are the most iconic cases of utilizing educational games and immersive programs in STEM educational experiences? Here are some examples.

Case Studies

There are several major gamification solutions provided by major EdTech players in the field that are often used by innovative STEM educational businesses.

Showing all the angles of a product

Teaching kids coding with a well-designed educational coding game is nothing new.

Math Games

To learn coding, first, the students need to learn logic.

A typical solution for many educators in the early education field is Tinker and its alike, such as CodeSpark and Scratch.

These coding game solutions typically offer block-based drag and drop systems that allow educators to build educational games with them and the games can be easily integrated into existing curriculums.

We have designed and developed a 2D logic game with a similar but more visually stunning interface as shown above: a 3D coding educational game with an advanced coding system for actual entry to medium level coding education.

Based on the feedback from our clients, coding games yield tremendous results in their in-person instructions at summer camps.

We suggest you use the existing platforms if you have a limited budget. However, if you are an established business in the EdTech field and are interested in building your own custom solutions, contact us by sending us an email or message in the chatbot on the right bottom of the screen to learn more about how we would help design and develop your project.

Math Games

Mathematics, as the foundation of all science, is as a difficult subject to master and naturally requires more attention.

There is a lot of room for imagination in this subject, because Math is virtually everywhere in real world applications.

Here are some great examples of innovative and interesting math games suitable for kids at different levels..

2048, a math-based game, was once one of the most popular mini games on the entire internet.

It is a perfect example of how a well-designed mathematical mechanism can make a simple math game fun and hooking.

A typical 2D infinite runner game, but the only way to advance in this game is to compare numbers at all times, and only run into blocks with smaller numbers.

Gamified Book Software

A textbook does not have to be dull. Building a gamified curriculum to provide an interactive experience for students is an amazing way to make learning fun.

Care for Our World, an impressive children's book written by our friend, Karen Robbins, has released a gamified app version for their young readers.

Does this spark any innovative ideas, or rhyme with your existing ideas of turning your books for STEM education into a gamified interactive learning experience for your students?

This book is a perfect example of how old-school textbooks are not the only path to STEM education.

Gamified STEM Curriculum

Lenovo Foundation, a charity by Lenovo, has partnered with Solve Education to build a math game based on a designed curriculum for math - Dawn of Civilization.

This game was designed to spark students' interest and bring enthusiasm to STEM education.

For STEM education with their own textbooks, syllabus and curriculum, gamifying the textbook experience would be a top priority to stay competitive in the educational market.

Science Simulations

Conducting scientific research in a lab for hands-on experience is the best way for students to understand scientific concepts with their own eyes.

However, gamified science activities in a simulator would greatly benefit students who study remotely, are being homeschooled, or simply lack resources in their school.

Anatomy3DAtlas is a great 3D learning tool to help medical students learn about anatomy with vivid 3D depictions of the human body.

Legends of Learning provides a range of chemistry games to help students learn how atoms and molecules work and interact with each other.

Gamified Economics, Finance and Management

From Age of Empire, to Tropico, to Civilization, and to many more strategic games, managing the resources smartly is the core to win the game.

By playing these pure games, the players subliminally learn the basics of economy, finance and resource management.

If hard-core strategic games can provide this amount of education, a well-designed and intelligently balanced educational game can certainly provide education on this subject at a much higher level.

Zapitalism is a sophisticated retail strategy game, where your goal is to take a small store and grow it into a retail juggernaut.

Manage your shelf space wisely, build megastores, buy up bestsellers, and market like mad. Become the king of commerce in this business simulation game.

Your Next Step!

Are you an educator in the EdTech field and are looking for custom gamification solutions? Contact us by sending an email inquiry to

Let us know if you have questions about the process of working with us or if you need assistance finalizing your ideas.

Phone: +1 (702) 605 0016